Saturday, May 28, 2005


Just wanna extend my warmest (the weather today was truly a display of that!) congratulations to Acorn who got married today!!

Acorn is an old friend of mine - since secondary school. I remember many years back... i think it was in 1996... Acorn, Socks & i formed this "club" called the Joyless Luckless Club (JLC). The name, JLC, was derived from the Joan Chen movie, The Joy Luck Club. But 'cos we were all out of love then, we changed the name to the Joyless Luckless Club. Going back to see the old ancient website that i had, and the page i had on JLC, it's quite amusing really. It's like one of those silly things u do when u're young, that makes growing up fun and.. funny. The only reason why i've let my old embarrassing site live on is to commemorate sentimentalism. Anyway, like i said in church today - congrats on graduating from the JLC! I don't think the last member remembers much about the past... heh... so i proudly remain the sole office bearer!

Here's wishing you both a loving marriage. May God bless you richly.



Just went to check out my old JLC page and realised that the JLC was formed in Dec 1995. And that JLC also stands for Just Lonely around Christmas.
Another thing i spotted was a missing word in the poetic attempt on my page! Haha... the last line should be broken heart but never mind. I'm too lazy to go edit it & download an FTP to upload the page again. Heh.