"Forbidden City"
Having just watched War & Beauty (a HK TV serial) on SCV, Clown & i now term my backyard as the Forbidden City. Bazhang, the emperor has just passed away & the Crown Prince, Coffee is still too young to ascend the throne.
While Chinese emperors used to have "hou gong san qian" (后宫三千 - harem of 3000), Coffee has "hou gong san zhi" (后宫三只 - harem of 3).
Muah Chee is the empress 'cos she's the boss of the harem... and there's Concubine Horlicks & Concubine Peanut. Heh.
While Chinese emperors used to have "hou gong san qian" (后宫三千 - harem of 3000), Coffee has "hou gong san zhi" (后宫三只 - harem of 3).
Muah Chee is the empress 'cos she's the boss of the harem... and there's Concubine Horlicks & Concubine Peanut. Heh.
Here're some photos of them. (Not very clear 'cos taken with hp camera.)

Photo of Emperor BZ in his final days - i was carrying him so Clown could use a syringe to feed him his medicine. I think Emperor BZ is so absolutely cute. He was like a big baby. :(

Hamdsome & stately BZ in healthier days...

Empress Dowager Tangyuan who passed away before the Emperor.

Crown Prince Coffee

The harem (clockwise from bottom): Concubine Horlicks (the brown & white lop), Empress Muah Chee, Concubine Peanut & Crown Prince Coffee!