Pinky has migrated

Pinky has migrated. My dad decided that she was big enough to stay outdoors so she was shifted to her own cage in the backyard this morning.
At first Pinky wasn't used to being locked up and kept biting on the door of the cage, or standing on her hind legs pleading to be let out. We had to lock her up when i went to work 'cos my parents went out as well. But i think she got to run about in the backyard most of the day when my parents were home.

Horlicks takes good care of Pinky too and she goes over to lick Pinky once in a while. I hope Pinky adapts well to life outdoors. I told Pinky that she has to learn to sleep alone and that she really must stop peeing in her water tray 'cos there's no one to change the water for her if she dirties it overnight. (She doesn't know how to drink from the bottle yet.) Anyway, here are some pics of Pinky & Horlicks. Real cute!