Rebellious Teenager
Pinky has turned into a rebellious teenager. It started a few days ago when she would close her eyes tight & pretend to be asleep whenever she was scolded. Then today, naughty Pinky refused to let anyone carry her. Everytime i picked her up, she would struggle & kicked - giving me a few scratches on my hands. When i placed her lying on her back on my lap, she sprung up & hopped away in less than 5mins. I eventually managed to get her to sit on my lap for 2mins or so but she sat there very unwillingly & hopped away as soon as she could.
Looks like i'm going to have to carry Pinky more often, put her on my lap more often (and run the risk of being peed on), till she learns that i'm her master and she has to be obedient & polite! (I lectured her for not greeting me & not coming when called. Such a difference from her parents. Horlicks always runs to greet anyone who goes into the backyard and both Horlicks & Muah Chee respond when called.)
Sigh... cutie Pinky has become a spoilt brat!