
My dad said that Pinky didn't want to drink milk tonight... which is a first. Apparently Horlicks licked Pinky & stood still as usual for Pinky to crawl under her to drink milk but Pinky kept running away. Sigh. Maybe it's Pinky's way of saying, "i'm not a baby anymore!".

Soon it'll be time to shift Pinky outdoors with her mommy. I feel so sad 'cos that means i won't be able to pop down in the middle of the night just to take a quick peek or to play with Pinky (too troublesome to have to disable the house alarm & unlock all the doors to go outside to play for 5mins kind of thing). I patted Pinky & told her that she'll have to shift house soon... downgrade from her good class bungalow to a cage outdoors.

Pinky's still very adorable... and she still sleeps on her back, on my lap. Her ears are funny though... heh. She sports a "side-parting".... her right ear flops down by the side of her face, but her left ear is like combed over to the right side. Hard to describe... take a look at the pictures to get a better idea ya?
Sigh... guess Pinky's my favourite bunny 'cos i took care of her since birth. I'm like her nanny cum maid cum chauffeur. Horlicks is my next favourite 'cos Horlicks is very personable & likes to hang around humans. Muah Chee, Coffee & Peanut are cute too... but my dad spends more time with them so they're closer to my dad. Coffee & Peanut especially... they don't really let me pat them unless they're already lying down to rest. I still think MC looks like a big stuffed toy 'cos he has really chubby cheeks - like a chipmunk! Heh. I think Pinky will grow up to be a real goodlooking rabbit. As it is, her fur coat has a nicer shade of brown than Horlicks... and of she inherits some of MC's features, she'll look darn cute!
:) P for Pinky! Pretty pretty Pinky!