Hell hath no fury...
... like UptownGal misrepresented to.
On 18/3/2006 (Sat), the Nokia 6280 hp was officially launched in Singapore. Having waited in anticipation for the phone, I checked the papers and realised that Singtel was selling the phone the cheapest - for $248 whereas M1 & Starhub were selling it for $448, all terms & conditions the same.
Excited, I called Singtel 1626 to check which hello!shop had stock for the silver model. I was told that all the stores only carried the black model and that the current promotion was going to end at 24/3/2006 (Fri), after which the price of the phone would revert to the original retail price. As usual, the kiasu Singaporean in me didn't believe the guy at the 1626 helpline and i called another 2x before i was satisfied that only the black model was available.
All 3 Singtel 1626 staff i spoke to sang the same tune - this was a "limited promotion" and "only valid while stocks last". In fact, i nearly wrote in a complimentary letter for one of the staff i spoke to 'cos she initially told me that this offer was going to last till the end of Mar, but she called me back about 5min later to say that she made a mistake, and that the promo was ending on 24/3/2006. I thought that was very responsible of her to clarify her error! (Though she did the most damage 'cos she was the one who kept reiterating that they had "limited stock" and i should purchase the phone asap.)
Convinced that this was an offer not to be missed, i rushed down after work on 19/3/2006 (Sun) and purchased the black 6280, as well as to sign a recontract plan with Singtel. Alas, when i saw the Straits Times 6 days later, on 25/3/2006 (Sat), there was a huge ad by Singtel stating that they were now selling the phone for $0, ceribus paribus!
Wah lau eh! Does Singtel mean to say that the "original price" of the phone was $0 and i got suckered into paying $248 for it? Or did Singtel purposely trick long-time subscribers like me into paying $248 for the phone, only to sell it for $0 one week later so as to attract new subscribers, and basically (as my friend put it) "make me subsidize someone else's free phone?"
I called the 1626 helpline immediately and spoke to this chap called Nash Mohammad. At first the guy gave all sorts of excuses for it but after i lambasted him, he backed down and said that he would check with management on Monday and let me know what they could offer me to "justify my losses". I also sent an email to feedback@singtel.com stating my case & how Singtel's 3 staff's misrepresentation led me into making this erroreous purchase (TMD, not only did the phone become free, the silver model is also available now!).
On 27/3/2006 (Mon), Nash returned my call and said that they were willing to extend to me free caller ID for 12 months "out of goodwill". My reply was that free caller ID for 12 months only costs $60, whereas i was conned into paying $248 extra for the phone. How would that make up for my loss?
On the same day, a Halimah Bte Shaik from Singtel's Customer Relations called to say that they were investigating the case, and she would get back to me latest Thu. Thoroughly pissed off by Singtel by now (it's their tone of voice and their attitude that really irked me), i wrote a complaint email to Bernard Ho (Singtel's Corp. Comm.), as well as Allen Lew (Singtel Singapore CEO). Bernard's reply came polite and fast, though i didn't hear from him again after that. (Talk about great tai-ji skills...)
Anyway, after many emails & my final action of taking the case up to CASE, Singtel offered me 24 months free caller ID. I asked Halimah to put it down in black & white this offer of theirs but i've yet to receive her email. I'm thinking now... should i accept this $120 compensation in kind (that is spread out over 2 years) for a $248 immediate cash loss i had to bear? I mean, considering the time value of money... i still don't seem to be getting a fair deal right?
A friend of mine who's working for Singtel said that even at $248, the phone has been heavily subsidized by Singtel and since handphone promotions are subjected to frequent changes, she doesn't see "how Singtel has mistreated me".
Frankly, i think i was just a victim of Singtel's bad marketing campaign for the phone and/or bad marketing strategy to capture a greater share of the 3G market. If Singtel had reverted to the original retail price for even 3 days before launching this $0 promotion, i would have had nothing to say. And the poor bottom-of-the-foodchain 1626 staff would not have unintentionally misrepresented to me. After all, no telco has ever dropped the price of a brand new Nokia phone this way before. But since this stupid marketing strategy is already set in stone, why should i let myself be victimized by it? If i misrepresented anything about a condo i'm marketing, i think the buyer would sue me through my pants to demand for compensation. Sure, a handphone is barely a fraction of the cost of a condo, but the principle's the same right? We all owe a duty of care to our customers and misrepresentation is a VERY serious mistake.
Here's the whole chain of emails that flew between Singtel, CASE, and me. I'm still waiting to hear from CASE whether i should pursue the matter. Since Ms. Halimah has not given me a black & white on the final compensation in kind offered (oh btw, instead of saying i was misrepresented to, she apologized profusely just now about the information that was "miscommunicated" to me. What an easy way to sweep things under the carpet!), and i have not officially accepted it, i think i'm going to write her another email to say that i want a little more than just free caller ID for 2 years...
To: feedback@singtel.com
Date: Mar 25, 2006 8:23 PM
Subject: Unfair & Unacceptable Level of Service by Singtel
I purchased the latest Nokia 6280 last Sunday, 19/3/2006. Before I made the purchase, I called 1626 three times and was advised that the $248 offer (with $200 trade-in) was a promotional price, valid till 24/3/2006 and "while stocks last" only. Initially, I was hesitant to take up this offer as I wanted the silver colour for the phone, which was not available. All three staff I spoke to said that they did not know when the silver colour would be available but I should be quick in taking up the offer as once the offer ends, the price of the phone will "revert to the original retail price." Psyched into thinking that this was a fantastic offer by Singtel, I decided to give up waiting for the silver colour model, and rushed down after work on Sunday night to purchase the phone, as well as sign a recontract on my existing line. Although I had to pay an extra $100 for the phone as my existing contract still had 12 months to go before expiry, I willingly paid the extra $100 as I was satisfactorily convinced by your staff that this was an offer not to be missed. Alas, when I flipped open the newspapers this morning, I saw a huge full colour advertisement in the Straits Times stating that the Nokia 6280 now cost $0 (with $200 trade-in) only! And not only was the price slashed so drastically, the silver model was also available! (As stated on the singtelshop.com website). Whatever happened to the "price will revert to original price" once the offer ends? Does Singtel mean to say that the original price of this phone is $0 and the promotional price of the phone was a scam? Or, did Singtel intentionally price the phone at $248 to lure unsuspecting loyal subscribers like myself to recontract, only to drop the price to $0 seven days later so as to attract more new subscribers to sign up? Were loyal subscribers like me made to be sacrificial lambs, unwittingly conned into subsidizing the $0 offer for new sign-ups? If the reason for dropping the price to $0 was the result of a badly executed marketing campaign by Singtel, then why should I be penalized for it? I bought the phone with much urgency after repeated prompting by Singtel staff and now I cannot help but feel that I have been cheated by the telco company that I have been loyally recontracting year after year with, since 1998. This morning, I made a call to Singtel's 1626 helpline. I first spoke to a CSO called Mike Maurice, whose tone was certainly less than friendly, before being passed on to his supervisor, Nash Mohammad. (I am not sure of the spelling of his surname.) At first, Nash said that there was nothing he could do as all the pricing for the phones were determined by Singtel's marketing department. He also liken buying a phone to going to a supermarket. His gave the analogy of how sometimes supermarkets would slash prices on their products and if you bought the products a day before the offer, you would not entitled to the new promotion. My goodness! It is beyond my comprehension how purchasing a mobile phone can be the same as purchasing a bunch of bananas. And I certainly have not seen any supermarkets sell anything for $0. Nash also said that all pricing for phones were determined by the marketing department of Singtel and the pricing would depend on the demand and supply of the phone. He said that "sometimes in order to clear stock, the marketing department would cut prices". My question to Singtel now is that if this is a brand new phone launched only last week, why the urgency to clear stock now? And, if this were true, why was I told by 3 different CSOs last Sunday that there was limited stock for the phone? Not satisfied and even more disgruntled by my experience with 1626, I took time off from work to visit the hello! shop at Parkway Parade to see if there was any recourse for this scam that I have fallen for. Unfortunately, the staff I spoke to, Sharon, said that there was nothing they could do on their end and I was given this email address to write to instead. Despite the indignation I feel, I was told that I have to give Singtel 3 days to respond. 3 days is an extremely long time in this age of Internet correspondence. The way Singtel can change its tune to suit its own self-serving agenda is truly mind-blowing. I am appalled at the way subscribers like me have been conned into signing a recontract plan that is obviously to our great disadvantage. I am even more disgusted by how there is NO service recovery whatsoever for subscribers like myself who have been victimised by Singtel's unfair marketing practices. I am not asking for a refund for the higher price I was tricked into buying the phone for, but I do expect some form of compensation in kind for the alarming price difference I was forced to bear for renewing my contract 5 days early. After meeting with much resistence by Singtel at the hello!shop and over the 1626 hotline, I really do not know how effective this email to feedback@singtel is going to be. As I told Sharon, this is NOT feedback. This is a serious complaint and I expect action to be taken. If Singtel decides to treat this email as mere "feedback", then I hope Singtel can also let me know how many channels do they expect me to take this complaint up to before serious consideration is given - do I have to make a trip down to CASE? Or write in to ST Forum, and have a hard copy of the complaint sent to Singtel's CEO, Mr. Allen Lew, before I am given a more fair treatment? I look forward to your reply, hopefully in less than 3 days. Regards
To: alew@singtel.com
Cc: stforum@sph.com.sg, bernardho@singtel.com
Date: Mar 27, 2006 4:59 PM
Subject: Misrepresentation by Singtel on Promotional Offer
Dear Mr. Allen Lew, I purchased the latest Nokia 6280 last Sunday, 19/3/2006. Before I made the purchase, I called Singtel 1626 three times and was advised that the $248 offer (with $200 trade-in) was a promotional price, valid till 24/3/2006 and "while stocks last" only. Initially, I was hesitant to take up this offer as I wanted the silver colour for the phone, which was not available. I called Singtel 1626 three times and all three Customer Service Officers (CSO) I spoke to said that they did not know when the silver colour would be available but I should be quick in taking up the offer as once the offer ends, the price of the phone will "revert to the original retail price." Psyched into thinking that this was a fantastic offer by Singtel, I decided to give up waiting for the silver model, and rushed down after work on Sunday night to purchase the phone, as well as sign a recontract on my existing line. Although I had to pay an extra $100 for the phone as my existing contract still had 12 months to go before expiry, I willingly paid the extra $100 as I was satisfactorily convinced by the three CSOs that speedy action was needed on my part before this special $248 offer runs out and the phone price goes back to its original retail price. Alas, when I flipped open the newspapers on Saturday morning 25/3/2006, I saw a huge full colour advertisement in the Straits Times stating that the Nokia 6280 now cost $0 (with $200 trade-in) only! Whatever happened to the "price will revert to original price" once the offer ends? Does Singtel mean to say that the original price of this phone is $0 and the promotional price of the phone was a marked-up price? Or, did Singtel intentionally price the phone at $248 to lure unsuspecting loyal subscribers like myself to recontract, only to drop the price to $0 seven days later so as to attract more new subscribers to sign up? Were loyal subscribers like me made to be sacrificial lambs, unwittingly lured into subsidizing the $0 offer for new sign-ups? If the reason for dropping the price to $0 was the result of a badly executed marketing campaign by Singtel, then why should I be penalized for it? I bought the phone with much urgency after repeated prompting by Singtel staff and now I cannot help but feel that I have been cheated by the telco company that I have been loyally recontracting year after year with, since 1998. I have written in to feedback@singtel.com, as well as called the Singtel 1626 hotline again regarding this issue. However, the only recourse I have been offered from Singtel 1626's CSO, Mr. Nash Mohammad, is that Singtel is willing to offer me the caller-id service (which costs $5 per month) free for 12 months "out of goodwill". A compensation in kind of $60 for a price difference of $248 is simply incomprehensible to me. I would never have bought the phone in such a hurry, if not for the misrepresentation by Singtel's three CSOs. I am hereby writing this to you in hope that a fairer recourse can be given. Thank you. Regards
From: Bernard Ho Tjin Charn
Date: Mar 27, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: RE: Misrepresentation by Singtel on Promotional Offer
I read with concern your unhappiness over the experience of purchasing a new Nokia handset and re-contracting with us. I've shared with the Product Marketing Director for the service and our Customer Service should be calling you shortly to resolve your issue. I will call you personally by Wednesday, 29 March to see if your problem has been resolved. Please call me on my mobile, if you need urgent follow up. Thank you and best regards, Bernard HoSnr Corporate Communications MgrSingapore Telecommunications LimitedDID: +65 6838 3065
Mobile: +65 9782 3393
From: Halimah bte Shaik Z A
Date: Mar 29, 2006 3:27 PM Subject: Greetings from SingTel
O/Ref : STM/06/03/CRD78195
Thank you for sharing with us your concerns via our website feedback form. It was nice talking to you yesterday.
We regret for your discontentment as we place great emphasis on customer satisfaction. Please allow us to clarify that we may carry different promotions and offers at different times to match the competitive mobile market. We seek your understanding on this matter.
Notwithstanding the above, it is noted that Nash has offered to extend you with free 12 months of Caller ID service for your mobile number, as a gesture of goodwill. The necessary adjustment will be reflected in your next or subsequent bill.
We appreciate it that you have taken the time to share with us your concerns, as it helps us to keep abreast of customers' views and expectations. Your feedback has been noted for our reviews.
Yours sincerely Halimah Z A (Ms)
Customer Relations
For and on behalf of
Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd
Company registration number: 199406031E
To: Halimah bte Shaik Z A
Cc: bernardho@singtel.com, alew@singtel.com
Date: Mar 29, 2006 11:37 PM
Subject: Back to Square One
Dear Halimah, I spoke to Nash on 24/3/2006 (Sat) regarding my unhappiness over the way I was pressured into purchasing the Nokia 6280 set, only to realise later that your staff at the 1626 helpdesk had misrepresented certain facts to me. On 27/2/2006 (Mon), Nash called me to say that after checking with management, Singtel was willing to extend the caller ID free for 12 months "out of goodwill", of which I already told Nash that this is not acceptable to me. I reiterated the points above in my email to Mr. Bernard Ho on 27/3/2006 (Mon), as well as to your goodself when you phoned me on Mon. Your reply was that you were "investigating the matter" and would get back to me latest Thursday. I am thus appalled that it appears that you have done NOTHING other than to repeat what Nash has already told me, and what I had already rejected on Monday. What were you investigating then? If you intended to sit on the matter on the pretext of "investigating", and then repeat something that I have already rejected thinking that I would accept it 1 day later, I think you are greatly mistakened. Now I am thoroughly fuming at the lack of action, initiative, and obvious complacency on your part. Just because I have stupidly recontracted with Singtel does not mean that Singtel can force what it deems as "a gesture of goodwill" down my throat. Has Singtel taken its status as the leading mobile service provider for granted? Is this how Singtel managed to be the market leader? By getting its CSOs to trick subscribers into recontracting and then offer some dastardly VAS free "out of goodwill"? I am not even asking Singtel to refund me anything in cash. Surely Singtel can offer me compensation in kind of similar value to the $248 loss I was conned into paying. I am sure all the calls made to 1626 are logged and if Singtel dares to pretend that the misrepresentation did not happen, I reckon that Singtel better start retrieving the logs of the 3 calls I made on 19/3/2006 (Sun) and have them ready because I will definitely bring this matter up to CASE, the newspapers, and all the online technical forums there are. Regards
To: complaints@case.org.sg
Cc: bernardho@singtel.com, alew@singtel.com, halimahsz@singtel.com
Date: Mar 30, 2006 1:12 PM
Subject: Advice Needed on Misrepresentation by Singtel Staff
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to seek your advice on whether there is any recourse for me on the purchase of my mobile phone.
On 19/3/2006 (Sun), I called Singtel's 1626 helpline three times to enquire whether Singtel had the silver model of the latest Nokia 6280 handphone that was launched that weekend. I was told by 3 different staff that all the Singtel shops only carried the black model. I was also advised that I should be quick in making my purchase because their promotion of $248 for the phone lasted only till 24/3/2006 (Fri) and was on a "while stocks last" basis, after which the price was going to revert to the original retail price. Convinced that this was a great offer not to be missed, I rushed down after work on Sunday night to purchase the phone, as well as to sign a recontract with Singtel.
6 days later, on 25/3/2006 (Sat), I was reading the Straits Times when I saw that Singtel had suddenly dropped the price of the Nokia 6280 from $248 to $0! I felt so cheated! The promotion I supposedly was enjoying was to have ended on 24/3/2006 and instead of reverting to the original price, the phone dropped to $0?
I wrote in to Singtel, as well as called the 1626 helpline to make known my unhappiness over how I was misled into recontracting at a higher price than what I would have enjoyed, had I waited for the silver model that I originally wanted. Singtel said that they acknowledged my complaint and "out of goodwill", they were willing to offer me 12 months caller ID (worth a mere $5/month) free.
In my subsequent calls & emails to Singtel, I made it very clear that this was not a fair deal to me because I had acted solely based on the advice by Singtel's 1626 staff. I am in the property business and if I had misrepresented a fact as pertinent as the price of a product, my clients would have had me up in court rightaway.
Sadly, the final email I received from Singtel stated that they were going ahead to effect the 12 months free caller ID offered to me in my next bill. I am disappointed and I feel thoroughly helpless that a big organization like Singtel can bulldoze its "goodwill" over my protests.
Although $248 is not a big sum of money, it is a matter of principle that I am not conned of the amount because of a misrepresentation made by Singtel. Is there any way that CASE could help me obtain a fairer compensation regarding this issue? I have asked Singtel to retrieve the call logs of the conversation I had with their 1626 helpline staff on 19/3/2006 to verify that I was indeed misled by them but I have not heard anything from them on this issue yet. If CASE is able to help me, I would be more than happy to join as a member so that we can proceed from here.
Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
Best regards
cc. Ms. Halimah (Singtel Customer Relations)
cc. Mr. Bernard Ho (Singtel Corp Comms.)
cc. Mr. Allen Lew (Singtel Singapore CEO)
To: Halimah bte Shaik Z A Date: Mar 31, 2006 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: Back to Square One
Dear Halimah,
Thank you for your call earlier tonight, and for the suggestion that I take up Singtel's offer of 24 months caller ID free. Indeed, this is an improvement over the 12 months caller ID free that was offered initially. However, after serious consideration, it occurred to me that the value of the 24 months free caller ID offered is only $120, of which the enjoyment of this is spread over a period of 2 years. Comparing the time value of money at stake, this does not commensurate with the $248 immediate cash loss I was misrepresented into paying. (I must admit that the way you put it - information was "miscommunicated" to me was a good way of deflecting any blame from Singtelt. Your employer should reward you for that!)
Notwithstanding all that has transpired, I hope Singtel can extend its "goodwill" to not only cover caller ID free for 24 months, but to also waive the monthly subscription fee for the Data3 Lite VAS for 12 months.
Please put forth my request to your management for consideration. I will not be able to give a definite answer on whether I should accept the goodwill extended thus far till I speak to the representative from CASE for further advice.
I appreciate your assistance on the matter. Thank you.
Stay tuned for the next episode of... Days of UptownGal's Life where Hell hath no fury like in Orange County...
Diagnosed with 2 incurable conditions
I'm very upset today. Received 2 pieces of bad news.My GP referred me to a skin specialist 'cos there's this rash on my feet that just won't go away. I've had the red spots (it looks like many red dots - as though the skin got pricked by many needles) on my feet off & on for 2 years plus... it gets better with medication, goes away, then comes back. Finally, when the last round of medication failed to work, my GP decided that i should see a skin specialist.So he arranged for me to see a doc at CGH. The diagnosis? It's not a rash. It's pigmented purpuric dermatosis. The doc said that this is a benign condition, but it's idiopathic (a more "atas" way of saying that the condition makes them look like idiots 'cos they don't know what causes it), and it's likely to be hereditary. Not contagious, PPD can occur at any age. There are topical creams that can alleviate the condition, but there's no known cure for PPD. The doc also advised that increased pressure on the feet will tend to aggravate the condition - which means i should sit / lie down as much as i can. Hence don't go accusing me of being lazy when i refuse to stand ok! I'm excused medically. For telling me that he doesn't know what causes the red spots on my feet and around my ankles, and that there's no cure for it, the doc charged $75. @%&)* Ok... maybe i'm looking at the cup as "half-empty". Well, if you wanna look at it as half-full, you can also say the term "pigmented purpuric dermatosis" costs $75. Wow. That's an easy way for the doc to recover his medical school fees!
While at CGH, i was dealt with more devastating news. I noticed that my favourite white linen FCUK pants that i was wearing was fraying near the side of the knees!! After the doc's appointment, i went to Eastpoint and asked a seamstress there if there was any way of mending my pants... and she said, "no". Sniff. Another incurable condition. The stupid seamstress kept rubbing it in, "Wah.. what a waste, this pants very nice. Still looks good but use washing machine to wash is like that one."
TMD! Of 'cos nice lah. Not nice i buy for what? So depressing... my favourite boot cut white linen pants that has served me well for the past 2 years. Sob. Such a short life span. I feel sorry for it. Not sure if my mom can stitch up the fraying parts.... i don't mind wearing it with stitches!To honour my white linen pants, i shall post a picture of it here... and while i'm at it, here's also a pic of PPD in case someone you know has the same condition... save that $75 for shopping.
As unpredictable as the weather
Pinky was a total spoilt brat today. Last night, he willingly ate his fever medicine, though he rejected the antibiotics. Today, he refused to eat anything! I coaxed him, chased him, patted him, cornered him, carried him... for a total of 2.5hrs but Pinky simply refused to drink the medicine. I used the syringe; put the medicine on a spoon; mixed it with honey; diluted with water & put it on a dish, but Pinky just refused to eat.Fed up, i decided to read the newspapers outdoors but ignore Pinky. At first, he was haughty too and went to lie by himself at another part of the backyard. But the spoilt brat needed attention so he went to look for his mommy who was locked up in her cage. Horlicks licked him through the grilles of the cage but that wasn't enough attention for Pinky i guess 'cos after that, he hopped onto the chair next to the one i was sitting on, and from that chair, he clambered onto my lap. Once on my lap, he started nibbling & playing with the newspaper.Being the faithful maid i am, i dutifuly patted & cuddled Pinky. He took great interest in the story of the ex-lawyer who is suspected of being some drug trafficking kingpin and when i placed the newspaper on the empty chair next to me, Pinky hopped back onto that chair. We repeated that process 3 times... Pinky would jump on the chair next to me, then jump on my lap to nibble the papers, and i would try to feed him his medicine, and he would leap down to the floor & take cover, and i would then ignore him.... and after a while, he would come back and repeat the entire sequence again.Sigh... in the end, i decided to try to force feed that brat. I carried him & shoved the syringe into his mouth. He would take a forced sip of the medicine before struggling free. Managed to feed about half the required dosage before i totally gave up & locked Pinky back into the cage. I poured the honey water-medicine mix into this water tray so hopefully he would take a little bit of that when he gets thirsty tonight. I think Pinky still has a bit of fever 'cos the back of his head & his ears are a little warmer than usual.Going to take him to the vet again tomorrow to see if he really is still running a fever and what we can do about it. Took some photos of Pinky hopping about just now. He's quite adorable actually... adorably spoilt & irritating. Poor me... the maid cum nanny... covered with battle scratches from Pinky. Sigh.
Pinky on Horlicks' cage.

Pinky getting a kiss from his mommy.
Checking out the newspaper on the chair next to me.
Pinky has a penchant for crime stories obviously.
Reading the same article on my lap.
Decides to literally "chew on it".
Found Out!
hello once again to my adoring fans,
my nanny brought me to the vet today. this was my first trip out of the house. wow. it's a big world outside. met a cat & a dog at the vet today. the cat was such a coward. kept whining & meowing away. so annoying. and the dog had some disgusting thing growing on his ears... scabies, they called it. yeeks! i was so glad my nanny put me at the opposite corner of the clinic. wouldn't want to catch that horrible-looking thing from that dog!
the vet was this strange fella who said he was allergic to my fur. he said i had the cold but he sneezed more times than me while we were in the room! what's wrong with my fur? it's soft & silky ok! my nanny brushes it for me regularly. anyway, daddy Muah Chee scolded me after i got home just now... 'cos the vet checked and discovered that i was a boy. daddy said never to let anyone know that i'm a boy or i won't be able to have fun when i grow up. i don't really understand what he means but daddy says had our servants known that he was a boy, i would never have been born. *shrugs*
actually, i tried very hard to prevent the vet from finding out that i'm a boy. when he wanted to examine me, i kicked & struggled & scratched & nearly hopped off the table that was as high as my nanny's waist! but my nanny & the vet kept holding onto me. after they got a stronghold on me, the vet turned me over, checked and showed my nanny my *ahem* "boyhood". so i got found out. sigh! what was a bunny to do under such circumstances?
that was not the worst part... after exposing the fact that i am a boy, the vet poked this thing they call the thermometer up my ass! that hurt tons man! i resisted with all the strength i could muster but that allergic vet threw a towel over my face to obscure my sight & while i was disoriented, he poked that thing into my ass. that thermometer told the vet that i had a fever so i got sent home with 2 types of medication - flu medicine & antibiotics.
my nanny fed me the flu med just now. it was quite yummy u know? nice & sweet. i liked it! but the antibiotics was not very appetizing. my nanny squirted it at my mouth but i refused to drink it. used my paws to wipe it away. hehe. i may be 9 weeks old but u can't force me to eat horrible stuff! muahaha.
anyway, it's bedtime now. i'm tired. it has been an exciting albeit somewhat painful day for me.
goodnite my fans. till my next update...
:) Prince Pinky.
The smartest, stupidest thing
Since i'm on the topic of phones... i thought i might as well share the most brillantly stupid thing about the Nokia 6280. I am very happy about the phone - it's relatively light, has a fantastic big screen that's sharp in resolution, has a good camera, speedy menus, etc, etc... and guess what? It comes with voice-dial prefixed!
Voice dial prefixed? Yeap... all you need to do is to key in a contact's name, e.g. "Pinky", and the phone automatically generates a voice dial for it...
The catch is... if you want to use the voice dial, u're going to need to speak like a man, and have a strong American accent.
And no.... this voice dial cannot be changed... *Rolls eyes*. (The more i think about this the more annoyed i am 'cos i use the voice dial function of hps regularly when driving... and now the bloody phone can't recognize my voice at all! Freak!) Grr....
The bigger scope of things
I bought the new Nokia 6280 last night! I've been eyeing this phone for a couple of months now and when it was launched over the past weekend, i grabbed it 'cos Singtel had a special promotion - $220 cheaper than the other telcos! Managed to trade in my 6230i for $270 (Wywy shop) so i only had to pay $278 for the new hp!The phone was great. I love the fact that it's running on the series40 OS 'cos symbian OS sucks. The phone's pretty nifty & there's no lag when you browse through the various menu functions. The 2.0megapix camera is also great... but the flash so-so only.Now here's the warning that everyone better heed!! After i got home last night, i excitedly downloaded the latest Nokia PC Suite (v6.7) from the nokia-asia.com website and tried to sync the contacts from my old hp, that was backed up on my computer, into this new hp. The contacts got transferred perfectly. Confidence bolstered, i attempted to transfer my calender items from my pc to my hp... and the program hanged!! It hanged while sync-ing the 14th calender item!! This also resulted in my hp getting hanged & no matter what i tried, my hp refused to boot up after that!Resigned to the state of my new hp, i went to bed & decided to pop down to Nokia Care Centre the next day (i.e. today). I had to go back to Parkway tonight anyway 'cos the young chap who served me at the Wywy shop forgot to take the IMEI sticker from the hp box to attach to my recontract application form. Nokia took close to 2 hours to "fix" my hp. But after the "fixing" i realised that the calculator function in the hp was missing!! Good grief! Do u know how important it is to have a calculator functionin your hp when you're doing property sales!?! I tried to sync hp with my pc too and that didn't work either. The error message said something about the PC Suite not supporting the model of my hp (what the *@%!#^??), and to switch off and on the phone again 'cos the PC Suite setting files were missing.Wah lau... i think the stupid people at Nokia installed the wrong OS for my phone lor. They probably just dumped another series40 OS inside the hp. How crappy can u get right? Oh i forget... it's Nokia.... last year, they made me go back to the service centre 6x with multiple problems before i got fedup & demanded that they did a one to one exchange. Anyway, i rushed back to Parkway again.... but the queue at the Nokia Care Centre was ridiculously long. (Speaks volumes about their QC right?). So i went to the Wywy shop again and asked the nice young chap if there was any chance for them to do a 1 for 1 exchange for me. I asked him, "What if i'm a nasty customer who's making a lot of noise, and scaring away all your other customers? Will your manager swop phones for me?"The boy said that his manager might... so he called his manager and said that i was a "very frustrated customer" who was making a lot of noise about how my hp konked out w/in 24hrs & that i was demanding a 1 to 1 exchange 'cos my hp just got worse after Nokia laid their hands on it. After some persuasion on his side, his manager agreed. Heh... i could hardly control the beam on my face. Part of the reason why this 1 to 1 exchange was allowed was 'cos in that young boy's haste last night, he not only forgot to attach the IMEI sticker to my recontract form - he also forgot to stamp his company's stamp & date of purchase on my warranty card. As a matter of fact, my warranty card was completely blank! Haha.Anyway, the kind young chap helped me do a swop and the 2nd phone works perfectly. *Fingers crossed*. Actually when my hp konked out last night, i was pretty calm and not pissed off as i usually would be? It's like somehow i felt that there was a reason why the young chap forgot to attach my IMEI sticker to the recontract form. I'm not saying that God allows such things to happen so that we can get free swopping of hp. Just that i feel that sometimes we want things to run so perfectly that we stress ourselves out when in actual fact, you just need to take a step back & take things as they come. U never know... sometimes a "bad" thing may turn out "good" in the end.
Turn Left Turn Right
Changed the song on my blog to the themesong for the movie, "Turn Left Turn Right". Very 2003 i know. Heh... but it's a nice song (title is 遇见) and i really like the piano accompaniment. It's also the ringing tone u hear if u call my hp for the month of Mar... (yes yes, i've had more than 1 comments that the song is so outdated... but at least 2 people said they liked it ok!). Anyway, thought of putting this song here for... er, no special reason. @%* i juz like the song can or not?
Went downstairs to check on Pinky... er, she didn't sneeze the 2 minutes i was crouching outside her cage. Ok. I take that as a good sign. Anyway, i'm starting to sneeze now!! Gotta go sleep. Goodnight!
Mystery of the sneezing Pinky
Pinky has been sneezing since last night... at intervals of about 3-5min between each sneeze. Checked her nose but she doesn't really seems to have any mucus so i'm not sure if it's the snuffles (Rabbit equivalent of 'cold'. Rabbits' URTI are caused by bacteria whereas humans' URTI are caused by viruses).
Was thinking of bringing her to the vet if she's not well by Monday but when i got home just now, i observed something rather erm, silly. Pinky was drinking water from her bowl (as usual) and when she saw i was near the cage, she begged to be let out. So i opened the door of her cage... w/in 2secs of hopping out, Pinky started sneezing... and i started counting.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, pause, 8, pause, 9, 10.
Whoa... that was a long sneezing fit. After she sneezed, she also shook her front paws, which were totally wet from her dipping them into her water tray while drinking, all over the floor. The result? The floor had this huge wet patch that was a combination of her sneezes - droplets of water, and paw prints all over. I dabbed my finger against Pinky's nose and the wetness didn't feel like mucus... it seemed more like... water?
Oh dear... don't tell me Pinky's been sneezing 'cos she's been breathing in water while drinking?!? That is a little stupid isn't it? I really can't tell? But that IS a possibility! I don't know which is worse - if she's sick, that's bad 'cos she's still a baby and any condition in a sick baby could turn critical. But if she's sneezing 'cos she keeps breathing in water, then how is she supposed to prevent dehydration w/o developing pneumonia from having water accumulated in her lungs??
Sheesh... i am really at a loss now. After letting Pinky run about for a while, i decided that it was best if she could learn to drink from a bottle. At least that way, she won't breathe in any water. So i took the water bottle, & approached a now lying down Pinky. When Pinky heard me approach, she raised her head to look at me. I showed Pinky the bottle and said, "come & drink water!" & she obediently did!
But instead of holding her head upright & licking the water bottle, she twisted her head in this awkward position (imagine her body lying on the ground but her head trying to tilt upside down) to drink. I think Pinky is trying to drink from the bottle, as she would suckle milk from Horlicks. I don't know to be exasperated or amused. Pinky managed to take 2 licks in that position. I raised the bottle a little to see if it'll occur to her to drink normally... but Pinky held her position & took another 3 licks.
Sigh... i guess that's a good enough start. At least she knows now that the bottle is a water source. I removed the water tray from her cage just now and put the water bottle in its place. Hope she'll figure out how to drink the water!
Blog URL
Sigh... i know i've been changing this umpteen times but should i revert back to http://upt0wngal.blogspot.com or stay as http://sguptowngal.blogspot.com?
The latest change in URL was prompted by some bad file server thingy at blogspot.com. Somehow that caused my original url of upt0wngal.blogspot.com to be inaccessible. So i switched to sguptowngal.blogspot.com. But now it seems that upt0wngal.blogspot.com AND sguptowngal.blogspot.com are both accessible... hehe... so that just makes things weird.
So how now brown cow? Which URL should it be?
Oh heck it. I think i'm going back to upt0wngal.blogspot.com 'cos i don't want stupid jokes abt "guptowngal" or "sguptowngal" (read it as 1 word) to be cracked by brainless people, which would just irritate me to death.
So upt0wngal.blogspot.com is now officially up & running!
Snitching on Imbecilic Cretins
I've had to deal with a couple of blooming idiots lately and they really make my blood boil. I hate it when people make me repeat myself. Once, twice i still can tahan... but if it stretches to a whole blinking 15mins at 8plus in the morning when i'm trying to brush my teeth & get changed so i can go for a 9am appointment, it really really pisses me off.
Why can't people just accept "no" for an answer?? Seriously, sometimes i want to shoot back, "which part of 'no' don't you understand?" My conclusion is, as a wise sage once told me, "you can't out-talk stupidity".
Then there're those raving cretins who make you feel guilty when u're not sure if there's anything to feel guilty about... and just when you feel that they're innocent, they go screw something up. A long time ago, i talked about The Orc. Now The Orc has been keeping a relatively low profile the past few months since Sauron skipped town.
About a week ago, The Orc was given a peremptory decree to shape up, or ship out. Ever since then, The Orc has been friendly and i was just about to compliment him on pulling up his socks. Sadly, before the compliment could depart from my lips, The Orc had to shoot his mouth off and claim credit where it wasn't due. Sheesh. I was dumbfounded.
I told a friend about the stunt that The Orc tried to pull off... but i felt a little bad about it. Maybe he didn't mean it? Or perhaps he was misunderstood? Well, The Orc was confronted but he denied everything. (Cue X-Files music here). Sigh... i really don't know. It's like how do you draw the line between clarifying the truth & snitching on someone?
1st song on my blog!
I've always wanted to put music on my blog (since the time i was posting lyrics of songs i like on this blog) but
1) Blogspot.com doesn't come with this option,
2) I couldn't remember my ftp password to upload the music file onto my singnet webpage,
3) I couldn't find any free webhosting services.
Recently, i found this iwebmusic.com that supposedly hosts music files for free... but i couldn't upload anything to it, even after following instructions. But i was a little more determined this time so i peeped into the source codes of blogs with music on them & saw that blogspirit.com allows users to upload files there.... so cheater-bug me signed up for an account, uploaded my music there, and added the html code here. Hehe.
Anyway, here's the lyrics to this song by Chen Qi Zhen (i think she's the popular indie-pop queen of Taiwan, aka Sandee Chen). This is a slower version than the edition of this song that's played on the radio... i prefer this one. :) 还是会寂寞
P.S. Had to sacrifice the quality of the music a little in order to keep the file size small!
P.P.S. Don't you think the intro of this song sounds like the intro for Dan Fogelberg's "Longer"??
Under the sea, er no i mean weather
Been sick for over a week now... started with a slight cough last last Thur... then after going to salsa last last Fri, my throat got worse & developed into a sore throat last last weekend. But i was doing backup singing for church so there was no rest for my voice... and after a site briefing i did last Mon... my throat gave out. Quite suddenly too! Was talking fine most of Mon... got home feeling really tired that nite... took a nap & when i woke up, my voice ran away!!
The sore throat then developed into a cough & i've been hacking away the whole week. Clown wanted me to see a doc but i absolutely hate drinking cough syrup so i refused. Did another round of backup singing the weekend that just passed... and it was quite a miracle i managed to sing. (Then again, maybe not that miraculous lah... 'cos i sing using my diaphragm but i don't know how to talk using my diaphragm? so always end up straining my throat when i give briefings, shout, etc.)
I finally did go to the doctor last nite and i came out of the consultation room beaming 'cos the doc gave me an MC. :P Ok... i guess more rest would do me good (supposed to be some viral infection then turned bacterial?!?) but i'm not exactly like bedridden lah. Was prescribed a course of antibiotics (which reminded me of poor Azure's allergy reaction) and cough syrup (bleah!). Think i might spend most of today sleeping... (but i still had to make a trip down to the showflat to meet an agent to pass her some cheques & documents.. sigh!). Can't sleep so well at night 'cos i tend to cough more when i'm lying down. Last night, i got around that problem by sleeping in a more sitting up sort of position, then slowly slid down when i was half-asleep.
Ooh... Pinky turns 8 weeks old today!!! Saw a bit of soft stools in her cage. not sure if it's 'cos she's been sneakily eating grass when we let her out. Told my dad to make sure she doesn't take any veggies nor grass. Wet food is NOT good for baby rabbits. Not till they're 3-4mths old. Pinky's left ear also finally flopped down today... ah... that's good... she's not a mis-marked rabbit.
Ok... i'm kinda sleepy again... maybe it's the cough syrup. 4x a day. bleah!
Mr. Right
Some time ago, i had this conversation with a friend about relationships and finding the right guy. I can't really recall how our conversation led to this but i think my friend wanted to introduce me to a client of hers and i said something about how it's difficult to find someone to meet my criteria (i was single then).
What i remember deeply about this conversation was what my colleague shared - she said that before she met her current bf, she used to have certain criteria regarding the type of guys she wanted to date. Her bf was a far cry from her previous beaus on a variety of factors and she struggled a little before accepting him as her bf. But she knew she made the right decision eventually 'cos this was the best guy she had ever met.
At that point in time, i felt that it was almost impossible for me to do the same. I'm a stubborn person (as established in my previous posts!) and i simply could not see how i could accept someone vastly different from my dream guy.
Tonight, that friend of mine got married. Seeing her husband and her together, it was obvious that they are right for each other and the conversation we had came to mind. I think i get what she was saying now... and more.
A dream guy is only as ideal as how he satisfies certain targets we set for ourselves. It is a selfish concept. But the right guy is someone who is good not only for you, but with you.
Congratulations my friend, for finding your Mr. Right!