Hey Big Spender!
The Great Singapore Sale rocks!! Hehe... just came back from a shopping spree at Wisma Atria and boy did i buy tons of stuff!! Hehe.
I bought this pretty linen dress from Warehouse (to be worn for some upcoming weddings - so frens attending the same weddings as me, please don't buy the same dress. I chope first!), i bought a white top from Lver, a beige jacket & skirt matching suit from Southaven (Can u believe it? 5 years of working life and this is my one and only matching suit!), a white belt - also from Southaven, a bag i've been eyeing for eons from Charles & Keith, a lavender shower foam & elderflower eye gel from Bodyshop. All for only $379.97!! Yippee! *Dances around with glee*
All these items are on top of 2 pairs of really dainty shoes (so unlike me) i bought last week from Aldo and Everbest. All the purchases were made during the special midnight sale (from 9pm - 12am) at Wisma Atria... where participating shops gave extra discounts of approx. 15-20%. Fantastic man! Bagus! Excellent! WOOHOO!
Poor Cirrus tagged along with me. Unfortunately for him, almost all the shops selling guy stuff were closed!! Even G2000 was closed. (Heard it was open during last weekend's midnight sale). So a resigned Cirrus followed me as i combed through all the shops, and carried my bags for me. Haha. He was nearly bored to tears i think. He said he saw the same look in the eyes of all the other guys in the shops - they were all walking around zombified.
Heh... what can i say? This is what happens when u don't go shopping with your gf for 10 months. Muahahahaha...