Merlion City
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Entrusting Pinky to God
Just went downstairs to check on Pinky. He didn't touch the food in his cage from the time we said goodnight at 10:25pm. My dad said that he should have recovered his appetite because he started munching grass at 6:30pm. He also took a few bites of his pellets. (I didn't witness that for myself because i went to the hospital with Cirrus, who fractured his finger while playing soccer last night.)Anyway, i thought - 6:30pm was a long time ago and i was worried that Pinky still wasn't enough right. Thus, I prepared more of the powder mixture i got from the vet & wanted to force-feed Pinky with it. I saw that Pinky's litter tray had this big damp patch and there was some shit in it... but i couldn't tell whether the shit was like er, fresh from tonight, or if it was in the litter tray already. The wet patch was definitely fresh... but then again, i wasn't sure if it was Pinky's work or did Horlicks use his toilet earlier on the night.
So i decided to go ahead and force-feed Pinky. Ooh... i barely squirted a drop into his mouth when the little chap struggled free & i was forced to put him down on the floor. He ran to his mommy straightaway for comfort. Bet he told her in rabbit language that his nanny bullied him 'cos his mom started biting the grilles of her cage, demanding to be let out. I managed to chase Pinky back into his cage and almost immediately, he peed onto the floor of the cage. I think he was trying to put his point across - "back off. I'm drinking alright!"
I apologized profusely to Pinky... i felt sorry that i kept pushing him to eat and drink more. But i can't help but worry about my favourite little bunny!! I always tell Pinky that we all tried so hard to preserve his life when he was a baby so he mustn't throw it away by starving himself!
Pinky sneezed a few times just now. I believe his cold is back. Maybe he didn't really fully recover from the last bout of cold. Well, nothing much i can do now. Still praying for Pinky. Thanks to everyone else who did.
Thank You Lord, for Pinky.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Crouching Cockroach Hidden UptownGal
I just entered my bathroom to shower when i saw this HUGE cockroach on my mirror!!"ARGHHHHHH!!!!!"
I screamed, ran out of the toilet, grabbed the insecticide, and opened the toilet door stealthily and took a peep at the cursed roach. It was perched on my mirror, above my toothbrush. As quietly as i could, i took my toothbrush out of the toilet. Then i took a breath to calm myself down, and opened the toilet door again.
I aimed the nozzle of the insecticide at the roach & sprayed at it! WAH LAU EH! Guess what happened? IT FLEW!! So i had a huge roach, with hairy legs, and wings that work!! @%&*)#
I slammed my toilet door again and sought solace from my fren on ICQ. Mustering up more courage, i opened the door a slit to peek into the loo again. Scanned the toilet but i couldn't see the damned roach. Then i saw it! It was on my window!! I quickly sprayed more insecticide on it and the wretched thing flew out of the window. Phew!! Talk about diehard...
Anyway, i closed my windows as fast as i could... slammed them shut in case the roach was lingering somewhere on the sill... at least that would ensure that its squashed. ("Crush it like a cockroach!")
Now my toilet stinks of insecticide. Darn! How to bathe like that? Jialat... argh... i hate cockroaches!!!
Starving to Death
Pinky's not eating nor drinking. Had to coax/force him to take in some food yesterday and he ate - approx. 10 celery leaves, 6 strands of hay, and 2 shreds of carrot the whole of yesterday. That's very very little. A celery leaf is like 2cm x 1cm in size... and a shred of carrot... think the small pieces u find in your popiah.I called the vet for advice just now. The vet asked whether Pinky pooped or peed. Well, he peed once the whole of yesterday... and he dropped 1 small pellet this morning. How to shit & pee if u're not eating nor drinking? But this is a very bad sign because a rabbit needs to eat constantly to keep his digestive tract working. Once it shuts down, that's the end for the rabbit.
So things are looking very bleak right now. I picked up this powder mix from the vet. (Didn't take Pinky down in case the car ride freaks him out more.) Supposed to mix it with water to form a paste & force-feed with a syringe. Managed to get 1ml of the mixture into Pinky before he nearly jumped out of my arms. The recommended dosage from the vet is "0.3ml a few times a day". Great. I'm only getting him to take 1/3 of his dietary needs.
Told my dad that i'm left with no choice but to FORCE-feed Pinky every hour. Even if he drinks only 1ml of the mixture, that's better than nothing.
Please pray for/that:
1) Pinky's appetite to return to normal
2) Pinky doesn't die.
3) Speedy recovery of the wound.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
"Let me out!!"

humans are such horrible liars. one moment they tell you that they love you, the next moment, they have you sterilized...
i was tricked into going into the blue carrier with the lure of a great adventure. but i was brought to the vet instead!! once again, i saw the allergic vet. he didn't seem to recognize me.
while the vet's assistant and that hypocritical uptowngal was taking my weight, i tried to make a run for it. i dashed out of uptowngal's grip & nearly got away... but the vet's assistant was fast. she managed to pin me down on the floor... and the rest is history. sob.
thankfully, the operation wasn't all too painful. that hypocrite told me that i'm the bravest bunny of all - my daddy cried after his op, and while he didn't cry, uncle coffee wasn't too mobile either. but i've been hopping around almost like normal - almost. i still don't dare hop onto the chairs / table. no appetite to eat anything though. the hypocrite tried to coax me into eating carrots, pellets, and biscuits. but i just have no appetite. i know she's worried. she read something on the Internet that said if a bunny stops eating for more than 24 hrs, the digestive tract will shut down and the bunny will DIE!! sigh... hey, i can't force myself to eat right? hopefully i'll feel hungry later....
sigh... i recall my daddy's wise words when i was a baby... he told me never to let anyone know i'm a male bunny. i asked him why... and he said, "someday u'll know". now i do. :(
Monday, June 05, 2006

Full of character, Pinky showed my dad his displeasure after my dad first locked Horlicks up. When my dad tried to feed him his lunch of carrots, Pinky refused to eat it. My dad then took a strip of carrot and tried to coax Pinky into eating it... but Pinky used his mouth to push the offending strip away. I then came down into the garden & tried to coax Pinky to eat the carrot too. After repeated attempts, he ate half a strip, and then spat the other half on the floor - as if to say, "There! I've given u face already. Now stop bugging me!"
During our bonding session just now, i told Pinky that he's been accorded the Very Important Bunny status, being the only bunny born in my house, and the youngest bunny to go for the snip snip. Pinky didn't really eat much of his dinner of pellets & leftover carrots (from lunch), choosing instead to munch on the grass in the backyard. Sigh. Such a tough cookie rabbit. I told him that after the op tomorrow, he'll have to stay indoors for 1 day... but i'll give him the privilege to run about the toilet where his cage will be in, or my living & dining room - a privilege not extended to MC & Coffee when they had their op.
But Pinky wasn't very impressed. He gave me a sian-jit-puah look and lay down to be patted. So i patted & cuddled him. My favourite little bunny. Please pray that Pinky will not come to any harm during the sterilization op ok? It's not a very dangerous procedure... but as in all surgery, there'll always be a certain amt of risk. I really sayang my dearest little Pinky!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Hey Big Spender!
The Great Singapore Sale rocks!! Hehe... just came back from a shopping spree at Wisma Atria and boy did i buy tons of stuff!! Hehe.

Heh... what can i say? This is what happens when u don't go shopping with your gf for 10 months. Muahahahaha...
Friday, June 02, 2006
Strapless Bras
I consider myself quite an authority on bras... strapless bras to be specific 'cos i've been on a hunt for good ones for years. The biggest curse of being busty is not being able to find a strapless bra that'll hold!Recently, i was introduced to this backless strapless bra by my colleague. It holds itself to your body by an adhesive backing that is reusable up to a couple of hundred washes. Fantastic invention i say! Perfect for evening dresses that show off the back, and since it sticks to the body, it won't drop off! Or so i thought...
The 1st pair i bought was this cheapo one from Watsons... costs only about $20... wah liew. Material made of fabric. Sucks man. Totally doesn't stick. Pui! So i decided to go for the authentic stuff. Bought a pair from Nubra. Made of sillicone, this was really soft & nice to touch. Got it from Robinsons... at about $120 for 2 pairs. Fantastic hold - i could even use it for salsa! The only problem was? The darn sillicone was so thick that i didn't dare wear it with my tube tops 'cos i didn't want to be SG's Amy Yip. Before long, both pairs got tucked away in my wardrobe. (But if u enjoy a bit of extra boost, this is the most comfortable pair.)
A couple of months back, there was this pushcart stall near my office selling this adhesive bras again. I can't remember the brand now... mannequin? Something like that. They have a main store at Adelphi Shopping Centre. The bras are made of fabric and bleah!! They're lousy too. I wore them once and after i washed them, the bras weren't really sticky anymore. Not good. Pui pui! Wasted my $49! :( I was still stuck with a problem of looking for a good strapless bra.
Today, there was yet another pushcart stall near my office. I checked out the sample set carefully and wow... the bras were really sticky. The best part? The bras are made of sillicone but they're really really thin!! I bought a pair - they're the most expensive to date - $128. Tried them on after work when i was shopping around Orchard area and they are GOOT! Check out their website at The only drawback is that there are some sections of the bra that are without adhesive... so i felt a little insecure initially. But after traipsing all over town, i'm convinced they're good. In fact, i'm going to buy a 2nd set tomorrow!
And so ends my search for a good strapless bra. Haha. I highly recommend the voyeurbra!! Heh. :D
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Added a disclaimer...------------------------------------
A good friend of mine & i talked about the issue of inbreeding before. We were referring to the syndrome of church people dating one another, breaking up, and getting attached to another...
We didn't mean it in any cynical sense... just that if u mix around with the same group of people a lot, given a no. of years of socializing, that is almost bound to happen. It happened in her church... and it happened in mine... er, i mean, to me.
And when "old acquaintances" are brought up unknowningly, i do feel al ittle strange... esp. in situations like... i'm having lunch with my ex, and his ex... or so & so are getting married... and i'll be thinking... yeah, she was the 3rd party. Do i congratulate her, and what do i congratulate her for? Her wedding or her successful deceit? (Disclaimer: Miss 3rd Party wasn't originally from my church. She joined when she was after my ex-bf... and by the grace of God, she became a believer - i think.) Till this day, Miss 3rd Party doesn't dare look me in the eye... and once, when i was standing just across her on the MRT (we flanked the entrance of the train), she pretended she didn't know me at all even though i was staring at her.
Anyhow, inbreeding is not good!! But well, that's just my gripe.
New song!!
Ah... the very first English song on my blog! This is a now not so new song by Daniel Bedingfield (i'm not sure if he ever released another album after his 1st) but i like the tune a lot. Heh. Enjoy...The title is If You're Not the One.
Oh wait... i just googled... he's still in the market... (what a name!)
Anyway, it's been an exciting day today... (or rather yesterday)... we closed a penthouse, i served a 93.3 DJ (and he was really really funny & friendly! I hope he buys the unit! :P I'm a new fan!), and i can expect a law suit coming up? Sigh...
Power of the video recording hp...
There's been this furore in Hongkong recently, sparked off by a video clip taken using a hp on a public bus. Apparently, this middle-aged man was talking very loudly on his hp while on the bus. A young man seated behind the middle-aged man then pat his shoulder and asked him to lower his voice. This pissed the middle-aged man off and he then scolded the young man for a good 6 minutes...After the clip got circulated on the Internet, some remixes of the clip, with hip songs and all started getting passed round like crazy. Heh. The videos are pretty vulgar ('cos the middle-aged man kept swearing)... but funny too.
I thought the young man was a little cowardly. If someone kept swearing that he was going to f*ck my mother, i would've either scolded him till he shut his trap up, or i would've just called the police and make a report that the guy was threatening me. (The middle-aged man was really aggressive. I'm surprised the bus driver didn't intervene.) I mean, i would never pick on something and not follow through with it!!
U can go to to see the videos.