Site Maintenance
Did some simple reno. works for the blog. Added things like my favourite posts, blogs (will add more once i get permission from more owners of blogs i like), and links to the sidebar on the left, as well as changed the music.
But if u click on the link of the specific post in the sidebar (e.g. Turf Wars / The 1st Battle), the song relevant to that post should still play.
Anyway, this latest song is called 疯了(Feng Le) by 蔡立章 (Cai Li Zhang). Li Zhang's like my all-time favourite local singer. I'm totally totally impressed by his vocal capabilities (he sounds better live than in the mp3!). He has composed some songs for overseas artistes too. Very talented guy! You can catch him on the rare occasion that he sings at The Ark aka 木船. Check out their website at!
Oh and lastly, i joined Google's Adsense (did u know that Google is like taking over the world? We have Google Earth, Google Search, Gmail, Gbuy - ok cut the jokes on that one, Picasa... they're all by google!) Well, i figured, since i can't beat them, join them! So support the ads by clicking on them ya? :P
At peace again...
Got a call from a sweet-voiced Singtel staff yesterday. She was polite, clear, and thoroughly professional. Didn't catch her name 'cos she woke me up from my late afternoon nap. Anyway, once she identified that she was from Singtel, i woke up enough to register that Singtel had acceded to my request - my mobile line will be converted to a corporate account, and the Data3 Lite plan that i fought so hard for will follow me to this new account.
The nice lady also made it clear that:
1) The free 12 months will not be starting from scratch, but will continue from its current period.
2) This does not set a precedent for future cases (ok, she said it in much nicer terms).
Anyhow, this is what i consider a proper helpdesk personnel! She sounded pleasant, had a friendly tone, was clear in the information she had to convey, and addressed almost all the issues i had raised in my email to Bernard Ho. Real pity i didn't catch her name 'cos she deserves to be praised.
She ended the conversation by saying that i just needed to fill in my personal particulars on the conversion form, and PS Tan would fill in the rest for me. (Darn! They didn't challenge me to produce proof that he offered to fill in the form previously. Shucks... maybe they've wised up by now and realised that i only bombard people when i have evidence to back up my claims.)
Whatever the case, i faxed whatever i could fill up on the form over to PS Tan today... forgot to drop him an email to check if he received the form. Guess i'll do it tomorrow... if i remember... heh.
Big Bully
dear followers of Pinky,
my nanny is a big bully. just now, she insisted on carrying me. hey, i'm not a baby anymore ok! i'm not even a teenager! i'm a handsome young man now so it's not good to be seen carried around so often. i mean, sometimes when she does it under the cover of the dark at night, i don't really mind u know? but in broad daylight? hey! i got my pride ok.
after i struggled free, my nanny scolded me. she even jabbed my head & told me that i was being 'difficult'. who says i'm being difficult? even my mommy agrees that we shouldn't put ourselves at the mercy of humans - to be carried as and when they fancy.
do u know that my mommy NEVER allows herself to be carried? that's what i call pride. so i'm very angry now. my nanny carried me not once but twice! after she put me down, i went to my mommy's house. didn't want to see her face. angry. tried to squeeze myself between the food tray but realised that i'm too big now. then i tried to hide behind the toilet.. but that was tied too tightly to the walls & i couldn't get enough room to squeeze in. so i still had to face that big bully of a nanny. i'm not talking to her till she apologizes to me... and pats me 1000 times.
till we meet again, enjoy the photos of me... the ever goodlooking Prince Pinky.
lotsa love,
the handsome
a day in the life of Pinky

26/4/06... it was a hot afternoon. mommy and i were taking our afternoon nap when the paparazzi started snapping away.

Used to all these lousy photographers, i continued to sleep.

but the flash eventually got to me so i moved to another part of my garden to sleep.

it started pouring all of a sudden! and mommy & i were forced to take shelter under the stool...

then my personal chef came & gave us our lunch of carrots.

it was still pouring after lunch. sian ah. so i just stoned in the toilet...
Sarcasm... i like!
Got a reply from Bernard Ho of Singtel. Heh... he "suan-ed" me in his reply (see bits in blue) but it was very well written and i admire him for that. Heh... so no worries... i won't shoot him down for this. My reply to his email is attached below.
From: Bernard Ho Tjin Charn
Date: Apr 25, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Conversion from Consumer to Corporate Plan
I'm glad we were able to resolve the phone offer issue for you. Thank you also for this feedback and for the opportunity for us to clarify.
My colleague rightly pointed out that we are a large organisation. We also have a very large customer base with many varying needs. Sometimes, we may have customers with unique needs that may involve more resources at our end to meet so a little more time is needed.
I will connect the parties involved with the follow up with you so far and we should be in touch with you shortly. In the meantime, I seek your kind understanding and patience.
Please call or email me if you have any other concerns.
Thanks and best regards,
Bernard Ho
Snr Corporate Communications Mgr
Mobile: 9782 3393
To: Bernard Ho Tjin Charn
Date: Apr 26, 2006 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: Conversion from Consumer to Corporate Plan
Dear Bernard,
I appreciate your prompt response and the choice of words in your email truly impresses.
Actually I am sure Singtel will be able to resolve all these internal politicking issues within itself. Just that, from a customer's point of view, there are a lot of things that an external party would not want to know, and should not know.
Thank you for sorting this out once again. I hope we can reach an amicable resolution.
Episode II - The 1st Battle

The journey to the battlefield was a long and torturous one. The bunnies faced harsh weather, rough terrain & flash floods. But the brave bunnies soldiered on. They encouraged & constantly reminded one other that they must always hold up their morale.

Using the 88 secret kungfu steps taught to them, the bunnies conquered all obstacles in their way. They climbed over mountains, leapt across lakes, and used flying fox techniques to get to the battleground.

When they finally reached the battlefield, the bunnies gathered all their strength to attack. What a fierce battle they fought! The bunnies had no fear for their enemies. Big and small, they attacked them all. They only had 1 thought in mind - "kill, kill, kill!"

Using various war stratagems, the bunnies trapped their enemies & it wasn't before long that the bunnies won their first battle. But even with this victory in hand, the bunnies knew they could not afford to let up their pursuit.

United, the bunnies continued to chase their now fallen enemies because they knew that although the first battle was won, the war was far from over...
And so we continue...
My latest email salvo to Singtel...
Date: Apr 24, 2006 11:39 PM
Subject: Conversion from Consumer to Corporate Plan
Dear Bernard,
Just in case you do not remember my case, I have attached one of my earlier email correspondence with Singtel below. I am glad to say that Ms. Halimah and I finally managed to resolve the misrepresentation issue and I was given Data3 Lite subscription free for 12 months.
Back in Feb this year and prior to the above brouhaha, your colleague Mr. Tan Poh Soon from Corporate Business Group mentioned in an email to me that I could either recontract at any Hello! shop, or recontract based on this promotion list he gave to me. He also stated that once I had decided on the phone I wanted, Singtel would complete the forms on my company's behalf.
Hence, after sorting out all the outstanding issues with Ms. Halimah, I decided it was time for me to convert to corporate plan. I emailed Mr. Tan today and he promptly sent the conversion form to me. As I was not clear on how to fill in certain fields of the form, I gave a call to Mr. Tan this afternoon. (Oh by the way, I have included Mr. Tan in this email because he says he does not know you so I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to introduce the two of you.)
Anyway, Mr. Tan informed me that in order for Singtel to proceed with the conversion, I must fill up the form, or get a letter of authorisation from my company stating that they allow me to transfer my current plan to corporate rates, and the bring the letter down to Singtel. Mr. Tan then added that "if I wanted to do it the easy way, I must fill up the form myself". Although I clearly recalled Mr. Tan mentioning earlier that Singtel could fill up the form for me, I did not want to make things difficult for him and hence I agreed to fill up the form myself.
I told Mr. Tan that I had some misrepresentation issues with Singtel, but we managed to sort it out, with Singtel offering me the Data3 Lite plan free for 12 months. Mr. Tan then said that any free VAS offered by the consumer side would not be carried over to the corporate side because the "cost was absorbed by consumer side and corporate side will not absorb the cost".
I then tried to explain that the only reason why I recontracted at the Wywy shop first was because even the guy at the Wywy shop agreed that it was easier to recontract first, then convert to corporate plan.
Mr. Tan then told me that the guy at the shop said that because "Wywy shop is Singtel's preferred partner. But they work for the consumer side and wouldn't get anything from the corporate side. That's why Wywy shop asked you to recontract with them before converting to corporate plan."
I reiterated that the 12 months free Data3 Lite I got was not some freebie offered by Singtel, but it was a form of service recovery / compensation from Singtel. I also asked Mr. Tan if he could check with your goodself on this issue. That was when Mr. Tan told me that, "There are thousands of people in Singtel" and hence he does not know you, and thus he was not able to check with you.
Mr. Tan then asked me how much I was paying for my current plan. I said I was not sure but it was the highest value of the incoming calls free plan. Mr. Tan then enlightened me that my plan was called the iTwo Plus. He also asked me how much I was currently paying for my plan. I said I didn't know and asked if he could help me check. Mr. Tan said that he did not have the info and he only knows that for corporate rates, the iTwo Plus would be $70.40.
Although I found it extremely strange that Mr. Tan could not check his own company's website for the info, I did not question him on this but checked the Singtel website myself. I then informed him that my plan cost $81.38.
In any case, as a customer, I really am not concerned about the internal politics within Singtel. To me, Singtel is a service provider on the whole and since Singtel has already agreed to offer me the Data3 Lite free for 12 months, why should I be penalised because of "cost absorption" politics between departments?
I hope you can assist on the above matter, or at least help me understand why different arms of Singtel seem to be at wars with each other, and the customer is always at the losing end.
Thank you.
Singtel does it again!
Sometimes i wonder what the heck is wrong with a corporation as big as Singtel. About a month ago, i spoke to the Biz Solutions Director of my company and we agreed that i should migrate my personal mobile plan to a corporate plan so that my subscription fee will be lower. As my co. pays for my phone bill, i wanted to do this so that there can be some savings for the company.
This was just before i bought the 6280 phone and i wasn't sure which step i should take first - convert to corporate plan first, or recontract + buy the new phone first.
In the end, i chose to recontract + get a new phone first because the procedures to recontract under corporate plan is very troublesome & even the guy at the WyWy shop that i bought the phone from said i should recontract first.
Then the big brouhaha happened, and Singtel succeeded in totally pissing me off by their misrepresentation and just when i resolved everything with them, a Mr. Tan Poh Soon from their Corporate Business Group tells me that all benefits i enjoy now will be cancelled because "whatever Consumer side promised is on their cost, not Business' dept". What the FCUK is wrong with these people man?? This Mr. Tan Poh Soon couldn't even tell me how much my current plan is when all it takes is for him to click on HIS company's website to check and I HAD TO DO IT MYSELF while on the phone with him.
And when i tried to explain that i already went through a very long process of sorting out the misrep. that Singtel made and that Mr. Bernard Ho from Corporate Comm. is also aware of this, Mr. PS Tan's exact words to me were, "There are so many thousands of people in Singtel. I won't be able to find out...". What sort of freaking bad attitude is that? I haven't even raised my voice or use a harsher tone on him yet because i'm in office!
Argh! Now i'm really really pissed again... i'm so NOT going to let this stupid PS Tan get away with this man. Argh. Idiots!! (Just look at his name & u know he's a piece of crap. PS Tan...)
Car Bumper Stickers
Cirrus was talking about funny bumper stickers to put on his new car... so i googled and found a few funny ones:
- On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
- On your mark, get set, go away!
- If you believe in telepathy, think about honking.
- If You're Not A Hemorrhoid, Get Off My Ass. (This is tailor made for life insurance underwriters lor!!)
- Horn broken. Look out for finger.
- Watch out for the idiot behind me.
- I drive the speed limit. If you don't like it, call a cop!
- Are you following Jesus this close?
Cirrus thought of a few funny ones too...
- If you can read this, you're 1 inch closer to my new bumper.
- Try to believe, bumper is old.
- Learn to spell A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T by coming closer.
And i came up with these...
- If you can read this, my new bumper thanks you.
- I'll see you at the next traffic light.
- Got money to buy car, no money to buy signal?
- Try to believe, bumper needs changing. (Er, edited from Cirrus' version. Hehe).
- My insurance won't pay for my new bumper. Yours will.
Stupid drivers
Got really pissed off by this stupid driver on the road just now. I was on my way home from Toa Payoh when this idiotic driver decided to tail-gate me. Sheesh, the stupid driver didn't even switch on his headlights, choosing to drive with only his fog lights on. As the fog lights were near the bottom of the car, and given how close he was following my car, it was probably some time before i noticed the dark blue car behind me.
Checking my speedometer, i saw that i was going at 100km/h. As the speed limit on the PIE was 90km/h, there was no way i was going to speed up and break the law just because this moron was smelling my ass. If he likes to breathe in the farts of my exhaust, he was welcomed to do so.
I mean, someone explain the logic to me - how does tail-gating the car in front of you make your vehicle travel faster? What? Trying to bully me into breaking the law for you? So smart, fly over my car lah!
The max speed limit in Singapore is only 90km/h, with a "grace" of perhaps 10km/h over the limit. So as long as the person in the extreme right lane is going between 90-100km/h, that's not road hogging ok! If you choose to exceed the speed limit, then you should jolly well do so at your own risk, and you can also jolly well overtake my car. Don't expect me to give way to you because I AM DRIVING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SINGAPORE'S SPEED LIMIT!
So what if there were no other cars in front of me? Does it mean that the "first" car in the lane is always expected to break the law? And if there was another car in front of me, then the onus to break the law is on the car in front? No logic right? If that's the case, then what's the point of having speed limits on the road?
And what's with all these stupid idiots who can afford to buy cars, but cannot afford to buy headlights & signal lights? Or did headlights & signal lights suddenly become optional accessories that you need to top up money to get when you buy a car? I always feel like shouting to these stupid drivers, "Got money to buy car, not enough money to buy signal uh?"
I simply hate this sort of "bullying" mentality some drivers have. If your wife is in labour and you're rushing to the hospital, then polite ask for the car in front to give way to you lah! As long as a car DOESN'T tail-gate me, and he/she signals right, i will always move off to the centre lane and let him/her pass. My point is, bullying does NOT work.
I was so annoyed by the car just now that i braked hard, let the car almost kiss my car's ass, and then i sped up again. That scared the moron behind me for a while... but not for long. 10min later, the ass was tail-gating me again. Lucky for him, i reached my exit and changed lanes. But what REALLY pissed me off was when i saw that the car wound down its front passenger window, and this bloody stupid young gal had the audacity to stare at me. Stare simi stare? That car had the honour of being the 2nd person i've showed the middle finger to in my 5+ years of driving. Too bad it was dark and i don't think the stupid ah lian saw it.
Grr... i reiterate, hell hath no fury like UptownGal tail-gated / misrepresented to.... etc.
(And that's also why i don't drive with any bumper stickers that say, Jesus loves u. :P)
Turf Wars
Once upon a time, in a land far far
away, there lived a happy colony of rabbits. As there was peace for many suns and moons, the bunnies were lulled into the mistakened belief that their green flourishing lawn was safe from all enemy attack and they soon became complacement.
One day, they received a scroll from the bears of the Order of Evil Fruit Trees, challenging the peaceable bunnies to battle. Shocked and realizing their mistake, the bunnies sought help from the most revered ET-zi (co-author of Sunzi's Art of War).

At first, ET-zi was reluctant to impart his secret kungfu skills to the bunnies. But after many attempts, ET-zi was touched by the sincerity of the bunnies and agreed to help them. He made them promise him that they would have the mentality of a "pit-rabbit" (read: pitbull). They must be siao and never ever give up in their fight.

Inspired by his teachings, the bunnies geared themselves up for battle. Some were sent as spies to gather information from the ground. Others sourced for food supplies to ensure that they were well-fed and had enough energy to engage in what would be the fiercest battle of the century!

The bunnies did countless push-ups, sparred with each other in deadly ear-to-ear combat, and "practised, drilled, & rehearsed" the secret kungfu skills taught by ET-zi.

After intensive training, the bunnies set off for battle. Will they win? Will good triumph over evil? Stay tuned for the next episode of... Turf Wars...
Singtel Saga
A few people have asked me what's the outcome of my battle with Singtel. Well, we have reached a ceasefire.
Halimah from Singtel wrote back to say that they are agreeable to offering me 24 months free caller-id but they are unable to offer me free caller-id + free Data3 lite surf.
So i did some quick calculations and concluded that i'll rather take 12 months free Data3 Lite, than 24 months free caller-id. The Data3 lite plan is worth $10.50 a month. Singtel agreed to give me that for free for 12 months, as well as waive the subscription fee.
And that's the end to my battle with Singtel... now i gotta call 1626 again to sort out the difference between a normal GPRS user & a 3G GPRS user...
Nope, it's not the end.
Sheesh! I called 1626 and the person I spoke to, Tana, made me really confused as to the rational behind the pricing for GPRS usage. If you refer to the website,, you will notice that the pay-per-use charges for a 3G user is 0.37 cts/KB, whereas the pay-per-use for a normal GPRS user (aka 2G user) is 0.53 cts/KB.
So i asked Tana, does it mean that being a 3G user, when i subscribe to the Data3 Lite plan, i actually get to surf more for the same price of $10.50, as a normal 2G user? Makes sense right?
Her reply was that no, even as a 3G user, i would be billed the same 0.53 cts/KB rate. Only difference is that any excess charges incurred on my bill, would be cheaper.
Huh?? Ok... let's do some simple calculations.
Based on what Tana said, with the Data3 Lite plan, i'm given $15.75 worth of free data, for $10.50/month. So that works out to $15 / $0.0053 = 2830KB worth of "free" data.
However, if i DON'T subscribe to the Data3 Lite plan, and i surf as a "per-per-use" customer, if i were to surf 2830KB worth of data, at a rate of 0.37 cts/KB, I would then be billed 2830KB x $0.0037 = $10.50 a month as well!!
Then subscribe to the Data3 Lite plan for @(%& ? Needless to say, i just sent Singtel another email on this...
Was up really early this morning to send off a friend at the airport. Got to know this friend through salsa, back in 2002. It wasn't a big boohoo kind of goodbye at the airport but i was quite close to tears. In the end, we all kept up our smiles & waved enthusiastically through the glass panel of the departure hall.
Haven't been very close to this friend since 2004... that's when i started losing touch with the salsa scene. But she has been a good friend & was excellent support and company when we performed in the West Coast Salsa Congress 2004. We even did a bit of touring by ourselves after the congress. Anyway, this was the only "airport song" i could think of so here it is.
Sayonara, Kool-Aid.
Grown ups are boring!
My computer died last night. Ok, not my computer but my IBM harddisk. Cirrus came over and managed to set up Windows on my Maxtor hdd. Unfortunately, when the IBM hdd went down, it also took down my entire collection of mp3s with it.
Sob sob... the last time i backed up my mp3s were in 2003? So all the new stuff accmulated / ripped in the last 3 years have all died with the bloody IBM hdd. Pinky passed me this letter to publish for him a couple of days ago but was too busy (especially after the hdd crash last night), hence the delay.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^dear ardent fans of Prince Pinky,
i think grown-ups are so boring. last Saturday, my chauffeur ferried me across the enclosure to meet my daddy. this is the first time i'm seeing my daddy and he isn't behind bars. we started the meeting by sniffing at each other. daddy doesn't smell as good as mommy... no appetizing milk scent (although i've stopped drinking milk 'cos i'm a big boy now.)
my daddy is really huge. but i think he is a big softie. after we sniffed each other for a while, my chauffeur told my daddy, "Muah Chee sit down. Pinky pat pat Muah Chee!". my daddy immediately put his head down with his chin on the ground. aiyoh, so obedient. no spunk at all! i thought that was just too boring for a Sat outing with my daddy. so i.... ran around my daddy and tried to mount him! hahahahaha!"HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!" i mouthed to my daddy. but ooh... he wasn't too pleased when i tried to climb on his back. my daddy immediately sprang up and wanted to spank my backside. we ended up running about in circles... hehe... i wanted my piggyback ride, and daddy wanted to beat my backside.after seeing this, my chauffeur was afraid that my daddy would get really angry and i don't know... maybe get high blood pressure or something... so my chauffeur separated us, scooped me up and ferried me back to my personal back garden.i told my mommy what i did and she said i was very naughty. my nanny also gave me a earful when she found out about it. she said something about being "spoilt". me? spoilt? oh come on! where's everyone's sense of humour? indignant about her incessant nagging, i bochup-ed her and cleaned my fur. mommy said she gave up, shook her head, and went to lie down at her favourite spot at the garden hose jacuzzi.
oh well, i'm growing really big now... probably going to have more photoshoots coming up. will show you fans more pictures next time ya? will get my nanny to post them for me. ciao for now! and... Happy April Fool's day!
handsomely yours,
Prince Pinky
I am in a foul mood tonight.
It started when i deleted by mistake, a video of Horlicks forcing Pinky to drink milk by shoving Pinky under her. I had forgotten to upload the video to my pc and in order to free up the measly 64Mb memory card that came with my hp, i deleted this video. :( And Pinky has officially stopped drinking milk 3 days ago. So there's no 2nd chance for me to take another video of that really really cute scene.
I am very upset.
Then on my way home from a farewell party just now, i saw a flash go off just before the Siglap exit on the ECP. I immediately glanced at my speedometer, which read approx. 102kmh. At first i wasn't sure if it was the flash from a camera, or a flash from some construction site or something. It was a darn bright flash. But when i drove under the overhead bridge, i saw someone in dark clothes holding a camera. Damn it. What's with those bloody cops? There're so many ah bengs who race over 150kmh, tons of stupid drivers who buy cars that don't come with signal lights, and inconsiderate drivers who park at the bends of the roads near my place, and the stupid cops don't catch them but they took a picture of me 'cos my speed tipped over the 100kmh mark? Simi sai! Just to fill their stupid quota is it?
I am very pissed.
And as i continued driving home, i thought about the brief and superficial conversation i had with a 'friend' i hadn't seen in a long time. Gosh. How the heck did u ever think that you could ever be a better dancer than me? Check out the funny jerks your shoulers make when you dance. Note the"chicken-scratch-kick" steps you take when you move. You DARE to doubt my ability to dance when i can spin barefooted on the floor with ease? Pur-leeze! Take a look at your basics before you even attempt to put me down.
Oh yes, i bought a car. Ain't that cool? Well, that's because i know how to earn my own keep. I don't owe a mountain of debt to credit card companies, banks, telcos (and that's why i get to whack Singtel), etc. I don't talk big about lofty aspirations & dreams, and then stay in bed half the time & get my deals burst due to my negligence. Most importantly, i know my limitations. I know what i'm good at, and what i suck at. I can see myself from a 3rd party point of view. Can u? If you could, you wouldn't think that you're such a noble soul when you're one of the most narrow-minded person i've ever met.
I am extremely angry.
There you have it. I am in an extremely foul mood. Do not even attempt conversation with me when i'm feeling thus. I sting. Dug up this song from my extensive music collection, to dedicate to all the people who piss me off (especially those darn cops). Ok, context not quite right... but the idea is there. It's by Andy Hui - 你没好下场 (translated as, "you'll come to no good end.")